Thursday, September 25, 2014

When a non-stranger attacks!!

The highly publicized start attacks are the attacks we women fear most. Thankfully these are the rarest attacks against women. The most common attacks are Non-Stranger attacks. People we know, people we have had conversations with. Co-workers, acquaintances, friends, and yes, even family sometimes.
     Non-stranger attackers or as I like to call them “undercover Assailants” use a completely different approach to subdue their victims than any other attacker I have studied. Undercover Assailants use a unique 3 phase routine to conquer their victim. The 3 phases of an undercover assailant are, Intrusion,desensitization,isolation.
       The first phases to an undercover assailant is “Intrusion”during this phase the assailant crosses the “boundary line”. The assailant makes rude remarks and comments towards their victim to see how they are going to react. At first the remarks may be light and not so blunt. They may make remarks like “Those jeans look good on you, they compliment your assets” a comment like this isn’t something he should be saying but it’s harmless enough you brush it off, you may even than him. This will give him the green light to make more comments each one getting more Intrusive. Over time these comments will lead into phase 2.
     Desensitize. During phase 2 the “undercover Assailant”   May turn the intrusive remarks into jokes. During this phases you “get use to” and dismiss anything the assailant may say that you do not like. If you were to get defensive he will make out as you are “uptight” or you “can’t take a joke” during this phase your “boundary line” becomes fuzzy and weak and he is allow to cross it without you putting up defense.
         IsolationThis is the last phase to the attack. The undercover assailant has you alone, and makes his physical move. During this phase the assailant will use “instrumental violence”    which means his level of violence is based on your level of resistance which usually isn’t much because you believe this is your fault and he has you believing it’s your idea. He will have you believe you lead him on, you made him believe you wanted him and so on and so forth.
       This attack is especially dangerous because before you know it you are in phase 3. This attack and attacker is very organized. It is fairly easy to avoid though, ALWAYS enforce your boundary line. DO NOT MAKE ANY EXCEPTIONS OR “BRUSH OFF” ANY REMARKS!        
No matter who the person is, they are to respect your wishes and stay on their side of the boundary line.

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