Wednesday, September 24, 2014

What is Damsel in Defense?

Damsel in Defense is a fairly new company, a direct sales company that is. It uses in home parties called "Empower Hours" to spread the word about the products and services they offer ( I will go into more detail a little later on in this article but for now I am going to stick to the basic out line of the company) Most think Direct Sales companies are scams and schemes and blah blah blah. Well as we all know there are scams and schemes out their however Damsel in Defense is not one of them. The reason Damsel in Defense offers their products and services through Direct Sales instead of just sticking them on a shelf in a store somewhere is for 2 reasons. First reason is how boring and uninformative is a store shelf? How many times have you seen an awesome product, bought it and went home only to totally screw the item up and most likely break it because instructions don't really go into the details you need they just tell you the basic outline of the product;. You are on your own for the most part. With Damsel in Defense we consultants give you a demo of ALL our products. Never ever will you buy an item from Damsel in Defense and not know how it works. Secondly our co founders are stay at home moms, they wanted to not only help women protect themselves but also give women a job opportunity, let's face it once the kids are in school, we start to feel unneeded and like we are missing out on something in life but yet we don't want to time ourselves up to were we are unavailable for our kids. With Direct Sales you have a job while the kids are in school, not just a job, but a business, a purpose. You finally have the best of both worlds, being a stay at home mom and being that woman that you have always wanted to be. You know that woman that is strong and independent, you know the one that every other woman looks up to and thinks "Gosh she is so strong, amazing and independent. She is actually needed, She is actually some body" Well now is your chance to be that woman.
       Damsel in Defense offers non lethal self defense products for women with a feminine spin on them. Damsel in Defense also offers a business opportunity for stay at home moms or just women and men in general who want to make a difference in todays world!
   Contact me for more information if you would like to purchase products or join our mission!!

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